Category Archives: Free Diving

This category contains all my free diving adventures in the form of videos and pictures. Whenever I get a chance to go diving and do some recording the videos will end up here. I will also add descriptions and things I learnt at the dive site.

Freediving – Bandung Freediving @ UPI

It’s been a while but finally I have a new video and I think from this day onward there is going to be a flood of videos as I am planning two trips over the next few weekends to two different islands in this beautiful country we call Indonesia ! This video however is somewhat different to the rest of my videos as its in the pool and not in the ocean. Just to add, I also want to say thanks to the Bandung Freedivers for letting me join their group for training over the weekend.

Bandung is my hometown in Indonesia and its way up in the mountains far away from the beach. Whenever I go to a new area I always like to find out if there is a pool or a beach that I can continue training in and upon research I found that Bandung has a freediving club. Up in the mountains of indonesia freediving still exists ! Yay … how awesome is that !

1238199_10201929206702796_1533010302_nSo I contacted them via twitter and facebook to get details of when they train as a group and their usual schedule is from 9am in the morning to when the pool closes ! Pretty awesome .. its pretty much over 9 hours in the pool 😛

So for the day I went over some techniques like kicking/finning, how to breathe before a dive, and just some tips on how I hold my breathe longer and relax. I also learnt about some of the good diving spots around Indonesia and have a dive organised with the group on the 20th of september. Indonesia is so awesome, a whole weekend of diving can cost as much $40 – $60 dollars, this includes boat, food accommodation … too awesome.

It’s going to be an exciting trip as I have never gone with so many people to a diving site in one go, its going to be cool to see so many people in the water at once and I can’t wait to take this shot from the bottom of the ocean, im getting excited just thinking about it ! So I want to say thanks to the group at Bandung Freediving and look forward to meeting up on the 20th for our dive near Krakatau (sangiang island).

It’s gonna be dam cool. 🙂

Free Diving – “Mashup” – Youtube Channel Intro Video

I didn’t go diving in the last week at all because right now I am in bandung, a place in Indonesia where we are quite far away from the coast and where much of the natural water that we have come in the form of hot springs, not exactly ideal for diving 😛 As far as I know, here in bandung the only place where free diving is done is at the pools at UPI (A university here in Bandung).

I was meaning to go there with my cousin (as he goes to university there) but I didn’t get a chance because I left my diving gear in the other car. Kind of blows as I wanted to meet the guys from the Bandung Free Divers club. If im still in bandung this coming sunday I will definitely try to make it there and say hi to the divers and do some training with them. The problem is we are heading into Ramadan and I am not exactly sure as to whether or not the Bandung Free Divers will continue with their training during Ramadan. I guess I will just message them and see.

Since I didn’t do any actual diving I had some time to look through some of my videos and create a youtube Intro video for my channel. I thought why not, I have a bit of time on my hands and I was keen to play around with iMovie and garageband so I had a bit of a play and the video above is what I came up with. It’s a combination of the scenery and the diving videos that I have taken. It’s got some scenery that include beautiful sunrises in sydney, the coast of Tulamben Bali and a selection of new and old dive clips that I have collected.

To add to the clip, I was looking for a track that gave the impression of flying, gliding but at the same time is action packed with a strong beat, however with that tinge of peace and serenity to the sound. The track that I found that I believe matches this video can be found by “Searching Youtube for DEMEX – Summer (Beach Mix) Trance “. I think the track represents what free diving is, its an extreme sport where you push your body but at the same time feel at peace with your surroundings. The track has that powerful beat but at the same time has the mellow pipes in the background. If you are into trance this is a great representation of free diving in music !

I think I have the hang of using these editing tools and would like to create some better edited videos as I get more diving done throughout the year. I thought it would suck to sit and edit videos but its quite relaxing and fun to see the final result, kind of like building apps and developing software I guess.

Also since I got a new macbook it doesn’t take me 3hrs to render a 1080p video so I can edit and create video’s faster and learn from any editing mistakes faster as I don’t have to wait ages for the file to generate ! This was extremely annoying on my old macbook 🙁

One of the things with youtube is that when you use music from their library or you use any copyrighted music you have restrictions on where the video can be viewed along with some other really annoying limitations. As a result I think I am going to have to learn how to create my own music using some tools like Fruity Loops or similar, that way I won’t have any copyright issues and I would also be able to create tracks that match the clips better. I know its not going to be easy but it should be fun, making/building anything is always fun 🙂

Anyway I hope you enjoy the new video …

Free Diving Bali Indonesia – Tulamben Liberty Shipwreck

I couldn’t wait to see this thing and just dive the site ! I had seen so much videos of the wreck, I had seen countless swim throughs and I just wanted to try it myself ! After our training Julia took us to the ship wreck for a fun dive to check out the site.

As a result of my plane trip, the airconditioning and the blocked sinuses, I was worried that I couldn’t equalise and wouldn’t be able to see the wreck but I think once the course was over I just forgot all about *class* *education* and *learning* and just went back to the relaxed “about to go diving woohooo” mode. At this point everything just snapped back into place and I think mentally and physiologically I was better ! I think what also helped was that I switched off the airconditioning the night before the dive and it really cleared up my sinuses. Lesson learnt 🙂

History says the Liberty was towed onto shore after it was torpedo’d by the japanese for salvage of parts but slide into the ocean when mount Agung erupted and destroyed the east side of Bali. The ship now resides in about 30 meter waters and the depth to the wreck from the surface ranges from 5m at its highest point to the bottom which is 30m.

One of the issues with this particular day was that the water was so murky seeing further then 5-8 meters was impossible. From the surface I couldn’t see what the depth was at each point and wasn’t able to see the swim throughs from afar so I would swim down until I got to the bottom. Only then was I able to asses if I could do the swim through, go into the rooms or go into the different crevices.

In many cases I would get to the bottom go slightly into the wreck and think *shit* a small gap, how far is that gap, do I have enough air ? I would have to go back up to ask and confirm I could do the swim through or at least have enough air to attempt it. The advantage now is, since I have been to that dive site once, the next time should be so much better. It always seems to be the case that at first its apprehension but on the second go because its clear its just much more relaxing and easy.

I really enjoyed the dive site and can only imagine how much better it would have been with better visibility. At least now I know what to expect when I dive into the rooms and the swim throughs. Looking at the inside of a wreck under the ocean is an extremely great feeling and is really a shock to the senses. Looking around and just taking it in gives you the feeling of being really really small.

This was also my first attempted at making a proper video with proper annotations and an attempt at a basic storyline. I am not in Bali every weekend so I thought I should make a decent effort of the video editing, introduce all the divers and add a little of what I was thinking at each part of the dive.

Hope you enjoy it 🙂

Learning To Free Dive Properly with Apnea Bali


So I probably started to stuff around holding my breathe about 4 months ago. 4 months before that I was just swimming every morning in the cold water and just enjoying the ocean by just swimming, body surfing and snorkelling.

Then an introduction to a Ted talk by Stig Severinson by my mate Damir about how to breathe properly whilst swimming and even to relax the mind changed some notions I had about what was possible (Plus Stig’s 75 meter swim under the ice and 20+ min breath holds were pretty dam amazing and inspiring too). So we started to experiment after reading about free diving and helped each other out to execute longer breath holds based on information that was online. We were also careful to watch each other and make sure that when a breath hold was in progress we would give signs we were OK (so we had some basic safety in mind). Stig said to be careful so we were careful 😛

We started diving some local places around sydney and got to some decent depths for couple of tossers – (idiots in aussie :P) without any formal free diving education or any formal gear (shorts, snorkel, crappy mask). I didn’t get fins till about 1 month ago so I was diving without fins for about 3 months 😛 Some of the really crappy amateur shots of these can be found here on youtube 😛

After a while though you start to realise that this sport is definitely much more then just going down as far as you can in the water or holding your breath for as long as you can. You also begin to realise that if you stuff up it could be pretty fatal. With this in mind I decided that I would try to get some formal education so I can be properly taught by experts what the safety protocols are, what to do and what not to do and to learn the finer points about free diving that you probably can’t get on the internet or experimenting on your own. Plus I wanted to go diving with this other group in sydney and it seems they all had done a course so I wanted to make sure if anything happened during a dive and I was the one up and they were the ones down, if they didn’t come up properly I could help them. I didn’t want to give them false confidence that I would know what to do if something bad happened to them and I was the one supposed to help them.

fb-logoI decided to take the course in Bali with the group from Apnea Bali. I emailed them initially asking about taking the advanced class as I thought the only requirement were depth and breathe hold times but I was suggested to take the first of the series of classes if I hadn’t taken any formal free diving education in the past. With this suggestion I enrolled in the first class which went for 2 days.

I was very happy that this turned out to be the case because in the theory we went over a lot of information around safety, biology and why black outs occur. There is much information about these topics on the internet but it was never explained as had been done by Julia (who was my instructor and operator for the two day course). The explanations around why blackouts occurred mainly during the last 10 meters of the dive during the ascent was really great and clear as I had always wondered why this was always considered the danger zone even for people that went down to 80+ meters (why not 30m or 20m from the top why always 10m regardless of the max dive depth). I was always under the assumption that its because your at the end of your dive and where you have least amounts of oxygen (which is partly true) but the relationship between your lung size, compression and danger zones relative to oxygen levels after lung expansion due to rapid changes in pressure were all new to me 🙂

We did rescue procedures which was good and makes me feel more confident that I wont let anyone down if the situation arises where I need to use these skills. I also know that when these blackouts or sambas happen (for the most part) its the body being smart and nothing to be to worried about aslong as you can help or be helped by your buddy. Knowing the difference between “drowning” and “blacking out without help” which ultimately results in death was also a good piece of information to have.

The main thing in the practicals within the water that I took away was how to equalise using my hands. In the past I managed to equalise pretty easily and it was never such a big deal because it just happened. I was never taught to equalise because when my ears started to hurt I would just do it instinctually.  The first few times I started diving my ears would start to hurt and I would do this thing with the back of my throat and my ears would pop and I would be OK. I read that equalisation needed to be done at regular intervals so your ears never hurt so I learnt to do that also. However after I arrived in bali with the flights, airconditioning and everything else I couldn’t equalise as I normally could and I couldn’t continue until I learnt to do equalisation with my hands. This was new to me as I had never had to do it this way. It sucked cause it was screwing everything up. Here I was ready to learn how to dive with everything setup, great teachers, depth, buoy and I couldn’t do something I had been doing for ages. It was annoying …

With that Julia helped me equalise with my hands, first I tried FIM face down and it didn’t work, then I did FIM feet first, that worked and then after I did face down again it was better, still not perfect but much better. On the second day though, I got comfortable with it and learnt to equalise with my hands. Now if for whatever reason I can not equalise how I normally do, I will always have a fall back. During our fun dive at the ship wreck, everything seemed to be back to normal and I could equalise how I normally have so it was good that for the most exciting part of the course things more or less came back to normal physiologically ! I was starting to worry that I might not be able to get shots of the wreck cause I couldn’t equalise 😛 That would have pissed me of big time !

All in all I had a great time in Tulamben Bali with the Apnea Bali team. The course was excellant, the accommodation was pretty nice and the food was pretty decent too. The idea is to get some free time sometime in the next month or so and come back to do additional courses and hopefully dive the ship wreck again when the water isn’t so murky.

Anyway, thanks to the Apnea Bali team ! Had a great time 🙂

Free Diving Training, 3 Min Slow Relaxing Breathe hold @ a Shallow Dive – (Uncut)

I am really loving the training and the exercises in freediving. However sometimes I feel that I’m just not spending enough time in the water. My dives usually last about 1:00 – 1:30 comfortably but I would really like to be able to do 2min + dives to the same level of comfort.

Right now in my pool training I start of with a nice relaxing long dive after breathing warmups. I have been moving (up and down depending on the day) between 2:00 – 3:00 minutes but getting beyond 2:20 means im starting to have to push it. It’s slowly getting easier and easier to relax and I just need to capture those moments when im really relaxed in the water and try to get into that state at will as I think this should really help prolong the dives.

In the video above I do a 3min dive in shallow water at the pools. Im just timing these dives to be exactly the interval I want without trying to do a PB at every attempt, that way I can have a goal for the session and see how much further I can push it the week or day after.

Also today, the water was also really cold, it was about 16.5 degrees Celsius and the air temperature was about 14 degrees though thankfully the sun was out so I could dry up under the warm sun instead of getting blasted by wind and rain (which is what would be expected as it is winter here in sydney right now)

When I get more comfortable getting right in between 2 – 3 minutes I will probably go to clovelly or gordon’s bay and try to do some longer dives in 8 – 13 meter waters.

Free Diving – Exploring Gordon’s Bay & GoPro Test

So after the quick swim through test of my new GoPro at clovelly I decided to take it to Gordon’s bay for another test run, this time with my wet suite and a bit of depth about 13m (I think it was).

Pretty much everything went well accept my buoyancy. I didn’t strap on my weights and  obviously became really buoyant. I thought I could get away with it but it seems that in the video above much of my head is missing in a few of the shots. This is because I kept floating up and for no weights, I had the camera angled wrong. In the Clovelly video I could get into the full shot because I wasn’t wearing a wetsuit and constantly floating up.

There were main 2 take away’s from these tests. The first is I think I need to angle my camera a bit over 90 degrees relative to the pole maybe 100 – 110 degrees so that I get less of the pole in the shot and more of myself.

Secondly the battery died just when I was following some scuba divers around the dive site. It was after about the 1-2 hour mark of constantly being on, so from this I can estimate the life span of the battery depending on how I use it which is also great. As a result of this I might also get a spare battery incase it runs out at the best of times.

One of the things that really annoys me is that there is no LCD screen to preview the shots. I know you can buy it but thats the thing (you have to buy it). I’m used to digital camera’s where you automatically take a shot and preview it on the back, even my cheapo intova had that feature. But I understand, I guess that is how GoPro make money so good on them for creating such a good business model.

I feel the app should allow you to preview the images and videos and it certainly isn’t a technical issue so I wonder if GoPro is holding of on this because they know it will impact their LCD attachment sales.

Anyhow, other than that it was a great dive and I explored parts of Gordon bay which I didn’t do before. I went to the usual wall and all the cracks and crevices  on both the east and west walls. I also heard the wobbegong shark was there again but after spending some time looking for it I couldn’t see the shark anywhere. Instead I finished the dive by followed some scuba divers around the dive site.

Enjoy the video above.

Freediving Clovelly GoPro Test

So this week I got my GoPro Camera and wanted to give it a test spin. I had to make my own GoPole because I wasn’t prepared to pay $69 dollars for something I know i could make for no more then 10 bucks 😛

I went through all the functionalities of the GoPro and hooked it up to the GoPro mobile app that I installed on my iPhone. Its a great device and for a tech head such as myself it gave me lots and lots of ideas on how to add possible additional functionality to the GoPro.

What would be awesome is if GoPro provided an SDK for developers, this would surely get the juices flowing ! Not just for Adrenaline junkies but geeks who love to hack and write code on computers. I know I would jump on this in a heart beat ! Regardless, when I get some time im curious as to the protocol and will be running a sniffer just to see what the messages look like 😛

When I finally charged the GoPro, I remotely controlled the GoPro, changed its settings to the best quality widescreen and did some quick experiments. Then I went to the hardware store and bought som PVC poles, some connectors, nuts and bolts and borrowed a drill from my friend Ed.

It’s a simple but very sturdy construction and I will do a video on how I put it together. I don’t think I have seen anyone exactly the same as I have but there is one that I found that is similar. Anyhow I think my design is still OK and might be worth showing on a later video for the guys out there not willing to pay $69 for a pole. At the end I finished of my GoPole by sticking the nice GoPro sticker that came with the packaging on the pole.

Just getting back to the GoPro, its got its own WiFi attachment (for the Hero2) and is built in within the Hero 3’s. This means that it shouldn’t be to far a stretch to check out what the protocol is between the iPhone and the Hero and see if it can be reverse engineered or Modified. Would be a fun project when I get some time.

I tested the GoPro at clovelly, my usual testing ground for new equipment and made sure that the pole was secure and that if my camera did fall off it wouldn’t fall of into the place that I couldn’t get too 🙂 Clovelly is nice, easy and shallow, about 8M at high tide on the deepest end I think. It all worked out fine and after the clovelly dive I took the camera and connected it to my laptop to check out the videos and confirm I had the camera settings right. Want to make sure that I don’t go to Bali take some nice videos and see that they are all incorrectly configured 🙁

The videos were great and the camera angle was correct at clovelly so I was pretty happy. The hand made GoPole also did its job and was nice and secure. With everything working I headed of to Gordon bay for some depth tests so I put on my wet suite and went to Gordons bay to do some tests there.

Anyway Enjoy the video above, just a quick swim through of Clovelly ! Nice weather, nice conditions, great way to spend sunday 🙂

Shocking Weather … So, Just Another Pool Day

Weather has been pretty shocking this whole week and sunday was no different. The weather report said it would be a crappy rainy day and it turned out to be 100% correct. When I got up this morning I decided that I would just hit the pools to get some laps in and go home and do some work (cause I have alot to do before I have to go overseas).

I am about to go overseas soon for business so I thought it might have been a good thing that it was raining and the ocean conditions were not that good. That way I don’t have the beautiful weather outside, on a sunday hounding me to get out of the house, to stop working on code, paperwork etc and to instead go diving 😛

Today I decided that I would just get (20 x 1min 10sec plus) dives in before I called it a day. Did a few 1:30’s (and there abouts) but decided not to push it to much because my buddy wasn’t around (Yeah, I know, I know …). I wanted to try a 2 minute + dive round the edges where the are some crabs, octopus and few other crustaceans but didn’t want to risk a samba all on my own. I have a feeling that I would still be OK at around the 2:00 minute mark but you just never know so all dives were well within my limits.

I don’t think I have ever taken any videos at the bottom of shelly beach pools, only above so I have added the video of the last dive I did whilst heading back to the beach to call it a day. There are a few small fishes and sea life at the pools so its not completely boring 🙂 You can also see my mate Alan swimming along the top doing his usual morning laps. All up, I think it was a 1:10 dive, starts when you hear the watch timmer go *beep* at about 0:13 and ends at about 1:23 – 1:24 just as my head emerges from the water and the breathe hold ends.

Awesome Freediving Video

There are a few great free diving clips online. Some of these clips focus more on the Artistry of freediving as opposed to the performance aspects of it. That being the case the more artistic videos are made from multiple takes and does not involve the free diver doing it on one single breath hold.

These clips usually focus on telling a story or conveying some sort of emotion to the viewer. The clip posted above (kudo’s to the creator for doing a great job on the video editing and music) was done by combining some of the really cool artistic free diving clips and rolled into one with some really good background music.

I think it’s a really great clip and features some of the best divers in the sport today. Just to note, the clip starts with the voice of Paul Bellinger from 60 minutes where he makes the introduction to the sport of free diving in one of the 60 minutes programs aired a few weeks ago.

Equipment Testing Day ! :)

So today my diving buddy couldn’t make it and I had all this equipment I wanted to try out. I have been using each of the new equipment at different times but not all together so today was the day. The only problem is without a buddy I couldn’t push it to far otherwise it wouldn’t be safe.

When I got to the dive site I saw some guys getting in the water so I had a bit of a chat with them and we paired up as we each took turns taking our dives to various different depths throughout the bay. I wanted to explore around the ledges and stay down longer but because my buddy wasn’t with me and the fact that I didn’t set up the dive buoy meant it wasn’t a good idea to stray to far away from where I had initially taken the dive and where my spotter was positioned.

I started the day just doing laps across the bay doing freestyle just to get a bit warmer and to get my daily exercise. When I got out of the water it was freezing but I dried up, warmed up a bit with some tea and then quickly wet my body got into my wetsuit and went in for the dive.

I wanted to test the fins that I had just bought in some deeper water as I haven’t had the chance to try them at depth (only in the pools so far). It takes a bit getting used to at the start but once you get into the flow and the rhythm of the kicks it feels really smooth. I feel that my legs are still somewhat wobbly going down but after a few more laps in the pool I think it should be alright. I also feel that the Cressi Gara Modulars (with the default black fins) that I have are pretty stiff and really tough for surface kicking, but once you are underwater they are awesome. Thinking about it I might buy the green blades because they are supposed to be softer and better for surface and medium depth. Since im not going past 20m at the moment I think they might be better then the default black blades for now.

Anyway it was a good day until it was time to get out. Towards the end of the day the swells became huge and getting out of the water was difficult. I had my camera pole, I had fins on and no one to help grab the stuff whilst I got out. The waves were big and they where all breaking on the dive exit. A few people had gotten cuts on their legs throughout the day and one spear fisherman who had got in at the wrong time ended up with cuts and scratches on his face, legs and arms, so instead of getting out the normal exit I swam to the beach which was about 300-400m, got out and walked about 500m’s or so to where I had placed my gear 🙂

By the time I wanted to get out at the normal exit I was already exhausted and the break not letting me get out easily wasn’t helping. Using the fins for the first time made my legs tired and I could feel the lactic acid build up so the 400m paddle to the beach was tiring 😛 I have to say though, I would rather be tired then have cuts and bruises all over my body, so paddle to the beach I did 🙂


Btw just a one picture I took of a school of fish hanging around ….