Amidst the busy schedule of getting all the new software ready and primed the team went to the e27 conference today. It was important that we attended because it was all about the south east asian technology scene and how it is shaping up. It is important we get a clear view because we are about to launch our software within the region in the next month with our sales partners. As a result we wanted to get the news directly from the people involved within these regions to see how these regions are shaping up.
What we pretty much heard from all the speakers was as we had expected. The market is growing so large and fast yet still being ignored by many entrepreneurs due to much focus still on the traditional hubs such as the US. It was also pointed out that getting in early would be great strategy to adopt in this point in time.
There were experts on the panel from such regions as Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore and much discussion about regions such as malaysia & vietnam. It was a great event because it was confirmation that we are moving into markets that are about to explode and where the next wave of users seems to be coming from. Regions such as Indonesia have had massive growth in the use of smart phones and the use of Facebook and many of the other social media platforms has been spearheaded in the recent years by users coming from Indonesia and other nations within the region.
This means that as the population becomes more tech savvy at such a fast pace, they will consume internet and mobile technology at the same tremendous rate. The key is to get the technology and product right and to find the right channels into the market.
There were also some great pitches from various startups at the event and some of the highlights I thought were from mathspace, workdivision and soundgeko. I thought these where the cooler of the startups because being a tech-head I could imagine the technical expertise it would have taken to build these products and it really is amazing.
All in all it was a great day, its been a long time since I had to sit in a conference for so long but it was well worth it. Met many great people that I will certainly be contacting in future.
Only took a single photo though 😛