Kurnell Sunset – (Sydney Australia)

The weather was perfect for diving yesterday ! The sun has been out all week, almost no clouds in the sky, I could imagine that the visibility was going to be great with the sun shining through the waters allowing me to see the bottom of the ocean and dive towards it.

New Dive Buoy DesignI had my mask ready, damir had his new mask, we had a new and improved design for the dive buoy that allowed us to roll the rope up and down for easy deployment and retrieval, we had a newer longer extended camera pole for better videos and it was an all round win.

We got to Oak Park and started to assemble the buoy we had designed. I cleaned both Damir’s and my mask with tooth paste and got my snorkel and camera cleaned. Mounted the camera onto the pole and headed towards the water. Waves were pretty big and choppy so we had to be careful not to get pushed up against the rock pool wall upon entry. I looked around the waters to see if there were other dive buoy’s but there were none, I saw a couple of scuba divers make their way into the water via the east side entry so I thought they were probably doing a track underneath and would exit back at the beach so a buoy was not needed.

I jumped in the water and it wasn’t good, silt was everywhere, visibility was no better then about 1 metre or so and in the very shallow 2-3 metre parts of Oak Park, I couldn’t even see the bottom of the sea. Ridiculous, we swam out a bit to see if it was clearer and still absolutely nothing. I dove down into murky waters to see if it was better below and the water became really cold at about 5 meters down. The transition from the cold to the warm and vise-versa was really noticeable, the current was also pretty strong. After a while we realised it was not a win and not a good day for diving (at Oak Park anyway) and headed back to shore.

Within 15minutes we paddled back and discussed what to do next. We were contemplating going to gordon’s bay again, then decided to try out some of the Kurnell dive sites. After some back and forth we decided to go to the Kurnel sites, first being “Boat harbour” then “The steps”.

We didn’t manage to get to “The steps” because according to google maps it was in a national park and that park was about to close at 6:30 – 7:00, we were already at about 5 oclock at this time and thought it wasn’t enough time to check it out, seeing as there was a fee on entry.

We then went to “Boat Harbour” and drove on some pretty dodgy dirt roads which made me think we were going the wrong way, however after following the road for a while we did end up at the right place. It seemed like it was low tide and there were some spearo’s there and some surfers, I was tempted to go in but the sea was exceptionally rough with large waves crashing onto the rocks and the spearo’s were about to get out so I didn’t want myself and damir to be the only one in the water with massive waves. We ate the lunch we packed and decided to turn back. The good thing was we learnt about all the different dive sites around the southern side of sydney so we will definitely be following up on those sites sometime in the near future.

Standing By The Sunset

In the end we went back to the Kurnell beaches, there was nothing else left to do, it was a sunday, weather was perfect and I didn’t feel like going home yet. I also remembered that I didn’t have any nice videos of the sunset so decided it would be a perfect time to capture the sunset and take a few snaps at Kurnel 🙂

So no diving videos this week, just that of the peaceful sunset over the horizon enjoying a nice cup of warm team from the thermos, taking shit, shooting the breeze (arguing about stuff as usual) and watching the sunset ! Enjoy …

Tea By the sunset